AEF Annual Appeal Fund
Our Mission
The Arcadia Educational Foundation (AEF) works in collaboration with the Arcadia Unified School District (AUSD) to ensure a world-class education for more than 10,000 Arcadia students. The Foundation’s purpose is to raise funds for the district and uphold the high quality of education that every student enjoys at 11 Arcadia schools. The AEF Annual Appeal Fund is intended to raise funds through annual giving campaigns with fundraising efforts centered on donor solicitation and stewardship. The annual fund helps AEF grant funds annually to AUSD to maintain invaluable programs and services that are not funded by the state due to drastically reduced education funding.
Our History
AEF operates with the sole purpose of providing support to AUSD and its students. AEF was founded in 1981, largely in response to substantially reduced federal and state funding for California public schools. The AEF Annual Appeal Fund was created in 2007 to establish and nurture donor support that will ensure the fulfillment of AEF’s missions.
The Annual Appeal Fund focuses on raising funds throughout the year. Through community contributions, corporate donations, and other fundraising activities, the AEF Annual Appeal Fund helps AEF make substantial annual grants to AUSD in support of district-wide programs such as:
Mini-Grant Program – Grants, awarded to teachers, that enhance educational experiences for students in the areas of science, math, history, music, sports, and fine arts
Naviance program – A college readiness program that offers college and career counseling for students
District messenger system – A phone and email communication system used to convey important announcements to parents
Counseling programs – Guidance and counseling services that help students achieve their academic and/or career goals
The fund allows AEF to have unrestricted funds that preserve invaluable programs listed above and accompany other self-funded services like Scrip and AEF summer school. AEF has donated more than $4 million to support Arcadia schools in the last ten years.
Why should I give?
Your participation is vital. AUSD schools continue to rank among the best in the country despite being among the lowest funded. Students consistently score at the top of state standardized test rankings, and schools are routinely recognized regionally and nationally for excellence in math, science, music, and sports. The funds raised from the annual appeal campaign are critical to sustaining the programs and services that make the most impact on our student’s educational experiences.
The success of AEF and AUSD depends on the generous support of our community! AEF is fortunate to have a community that values education. When you contribute to AEF, you are supporting not only your child’s ongoing education but also investing in their future.
How much should I give?
Only you can decide what level of support is right for your family. We encourage every family to consider giving $500 per child, but all amounts are welcome and appreciated. Together we can make a difference!
How do I make a contribution?
Contributions may be set up one time or on a recurring monthly basis online here.
A gift paid in installments can ease the financial strain of a one-time donation and allow the donor to make a larger contribution over time.
Workplace giving is another way you can contribute to AEF. Workplace-giving programs can be set up in a variety of ways. Some of the more popular workplace giving programs offered by corporations are employee matching gifts, volunteer support programs, donations through payroll deduction, and annual giving campaigns. Check with your employer to see what options are available for you to start contributing to your child’s education. Your ongoing support and contributions enable us to make a lasting impact on students and help them succeed in today’s competitive world.